David Hasselhoff Walks Daughter Down the Aisle, Bringing Tears as She Calls Him the ‘Light’ of Her Life

David Hasselhoff, well-known for his roles in “Knight Rider” and “Baywatch,” took on the role of primary caregiver for his two daughters, Hayley and Taylor Ann, after a tumultuous divorce from his ex-wife, Pamela Bach.

Recently, Taylor Ann, David’s eldest daughter, now 32, married Madison Fiore in a beautiful garden ceremony. The wedding took place on February 4, 2023, at Ethereal Gardens in Escondido, California.

Reflecting on the emotional day, Taylor shared that seeing her father’s beaming smile as she walked down the aisle brought tears to her eyes. David, the ever-proud dad, escorted his daughter down the aisle, marking a poignant moment in both their lives.

Despite their high-profile upbringing, David kept his daughters out of the limelight, prioritizing a normal family life away from Hollywood’s glitz and glamour. After his divorce from Pamela in 2006, David engaged in a legal battle for custody, ultimately gaining primary guardianship of his daughters due to Pamela’s struggles with substance abuse.

The custody battle was financially draining for David, consuming much of his finances due to substantial legal fees. Despite these challenges, he remained committed to his role as a father, ensuring that his daughters received the love and care they needed.

Away from the public eye, David fully embraced fatherhood, engaging in daily activities such as swimming and soccer with his daughters. His commitment to his family took precedence over his career, highlighting the importance of being present for his daughters through all the difficulties they encountered.

“Taylor Ann never looked more beautiful than she did at her wedding,” the proud 70-year-old actor shared with Hello! magazine after the ceremony. “She blew me away. I am so proud to be her dad. It was one of the happiest days of my life.”

David walked Taylor, his eldest daughter from his marriage to former wife Pamela Bach, to meet her groom to the sounds of The Verve’s Bitter Sweet Symphony.

The bride later recalled how catching sight of her father at the start of the ceremony brought her to tears. “I think I started crying when I saw my dad because he’s such a significant presence in my life,” she explained. “He’s incredibly supportive and loving, and I know how deeply he cares about my well-being and happiness. Seeing him so happy for me and encouraging me with a ‘You’re doing it!’ just overwhelmed me.”

“Before I walked out, I had it all together and felt fine until I saw him, and then I just started crying hysterically. I thought, ‘Pull it together.’ It was all because he was so happy for me and his smile was so big.

“He said, ‘You look so beautiful.’ It was an honor to walk down the aisle with him and see how happy he was for me to start this new journey.”


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