A Morning Core-Strengthening Routine For a Sciatica-Free Day
|More and more people suffer from sciatica pain. You may experience discomfort or pain in your lower back area, hips or back of the legs. This pain can be triggered by injury, pregnancy or muscle tension. According to statistics, sciatica pain affects thousands of people across America. Now imagine how many people are suffering from this problem all over the world…
How can you alleviate sciatica pain? There are various methods for dealing with sciatica ranging from medications to various procedures. Unfortunately, these methods are not always effective and can only temporarily relief the pain. In this case, we recommend you pay attention to our core-strengthening routine that you can do every morning when you wake up for a sciatica-free day.
This routine only takes a few minutes, and it is also easy to perform for people of all fitness levels. So, guys, our core strengthening routine will definitely help you relieve the pain in your lower back, because it includes a combination of stretching movements and muscle-strengthening techniques. Scroll down to see a list of exercises you need to perform, and follow the instructions to avoid injury and stretching. Take Care!
1. Crunches

2. Leg Lift

3. Prone arm-leg raise

4. Hamstring stretch

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Source: betterme.tips