6 Tricks to Prevent and Eliminate the Typical Wrinkles of the Neckline Area

Wrinkles in the cleavage area are one of the most common and most unsightly that exist. There are women who become so self-conscious because of these wrinkles that they stop wearing swimsuits or low-cut blouses because they don’t show that part of their body.

Although there are millions of products on the market that promise to eliminate those wrinkles quickly, the truth is that most of them do not work and also contain chemicals that are not at all beneficial for your skin.

That is why in today’s article we are going to give you a series of tips and natural remedies to hide these wrinkles and stop feeling self-conscious.

chest wrinkles

Wrinkles are caused by the loss of collagen as we age. However, wrinkles in the chest area do not have to be related to age. They can be caused by wearing the wrong bras, overexposure to sunlight, and even sleeping on your side.

Here are 7 home remedies to get rid of wrinkles in the neckline and chest area!

1- Drink lots of water

Staying hydrated is essential to minimizing wrinkles anywhere on the body. Avoid sugary drinks, as they cause inflammation and this can accelerate skin aging.

2- Moisturizes the breasts

You should apply moisturizer all over your body, but it mainly affects that area to prevent those unwanted wrinkles from appearing. Vitamin E should be the main component of your body lotions, but you should avoid fragrances and chemicals.

3- Give yourself massages with coconut oil

Coconut oil is a very moisturizing oil and ideal for improving the appearance of wrinkles. Give yourself small circular massages in problem areas to keep them hydrated and prevent wrinkles.

4- Increase your intake of vitamin C

Aside from strengthening the immune system, vitamin C will help keep your skin wrinkle-free. This is because it is essential for the synthesis of collagen that firms and smoothes the skin. Citrus fruits, kiwi and green leafy vegetables are very rich in vitamin C, so it is very important that you include these foods in your diet.

5- Cucumber or tomato juice

Chop a cucumber in a food processor and apply it to your chest. Cucumber contains a lot of vitamin C, so it will help you in the synthesis of collagen. You can also opt for tomato juice or even combine them. The time to apply it is before bed when you are relaxed at home.

6- Sleep on your back

Sleeping on your side or face down is another of the main causes of the appearance of wrinkles in the chest area. Therefore, if you are worried about this issue, you can try sleeping on your back.

Will you put any of these tips into practice? Tell us in the comments!

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Source: Healthy Builderz

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