When a Police Lineup Turns into a Dog’s Day Out
|The dance challenges people take on and post on social media are among my favorite things to watch. They are enjoyable and bring people together, promoting goodwill.
You might be familiar with the Git Up challenge. It started with a dance tutorial by Blanco Brown for his song of the same name. Unsurprisingly, many people were eager to try the routine, which is undeniably fun and infectious.

One of the most popular Git Up challenge videos features the Sutter County Sheriff’s Office, the Yuba City Police Department, the Sutter County Courts, and the Sutter County Code Enforcement. This video has garnered around 9 million views. These groups elevated the challenge by turning it into a dance competition, and the result is absolutely amazing.
The dance-off kicks off with a Yuba City police cruiser and a Sutter County Sheriff’s car “fighting” over a parking space. As the dancing starts, more participants join in.
A K-9 dog stands out in the video, not so much for his dancing but for his delight in watching the officers dance. He seems curious about what’s happening before eventually joining in.

I appreciate how the police show us that they can have fun despite the seriousness of their work.
Watching this video is a must. Check it out here, and don’t forget to share it with your friends!