The Inspiring Story of the Oldest Woman to Give Birth to Twins in the U.S. and Her Kids’ Incredible Journey

Approaching her 60th birthday, Lauren Cohen welcomed a set of male and female twins into the world in 2006. While it should have been a joyous occasion for the Paramus, New Jersey mother of two, she couldn’t have predicted her eldest daughter’s reaction.

Lauren’s journey to motherhood took an unexpected turn when she met Frank Garcia at a dance class in New Jersey in 2002. Despite a significant age difference of 20 years, they fell in love at first sight.

“I never thought he could be interested in a woman so much older. He was a great dancer, so I asked him to dance one night, and he said yes,” Lauren recalled.

In July 2002, they tied the knot, and Lauren soon realized that her husband was eager to start a family. They embarked on a challenging path to parenthood, attempting in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, several doctors turned them away due to Lauren’s advanced age.

In January 2004, a Virginia clinic finally approved her, but after four unsuccessful IVF attempts, the couple was on the verge of giving up. Eventually, a doctor in New Jersey agreed to assist, and they successfully conceived their first daughter, Raquel, born in December 2004 through IVF.

Less than a year later, Lauren discovered she was carrying twins. On May 22, 2006, she gave birth to twins Gregory and Giselle through IVF with donor eggs, just before her 60th birthday.

“I don’t feel like a record holder. Except for arthritis, I’m in excellent shape,” Lauren said.

According to PEOPLE magazine, Lauren became the oldest mother in the United States to give birth to twins at the age of 60, matching a record set by an unnamed British woman on Christmas Day 1993.

Now a mother of four, Lauren has made it a priority to take care of her health to fulfill her dream of witnessing her children graduate from college. She does pilates, yoga, and takes nearly a hundred supplements weekly to stay in shape.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to live as long as I can,” she stated. “I’ve set a target of seeing them through college. I’ve got to keep going for 17 years – until I’m 81.”

Being an older mother proved challenging for Lauren because her eldest daughter, Renee, often mistook her for her grandchildren’s grandmother.

Despite the unique challenges, Lauren and her husband are immensely grateful for their three children, even if it means missing out on spending time with their daughter and granddaughter.

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