Royal Schedule Revealed: Kate Middleton’s Upcoming Appearances Unveiled

Lately, the burning question on everyone’s lips revolves around Kate Middleton’s activities behind the closed doors of Windsor Castle.

Following her last public appearance post-abdominal surgery in January, there’s been a surge of curiosity surrounding her well-being and whereabouts. The Palace has remained tight-lipped, offering only reassurances of her “doing well” and indicating updates will be provided if necessary.

Anticipation peaked when the Minister of Defense hinted at Kate’s presence during the Trooping the Colour dress rehearsal ceremony slated for June 8.

However, excitement quickly fizzled out as it emerged that this announcement was an error. Mention of her return to royal duties vanished from an Army website, raising eyebrows as Kensington Palace had not been consulted.

The prolonged absence of someone as prominent as Kate Middleton from the public eye has undoubtedly raised eyebrows. Her last sighting, a photo that surfaced, has sparked speculation, with some questioning its authenticity, wondering if it might have been staged.

Even a photo shared by Kate Middleton herself on Mother’s Day stirred controversy due to apparent editing, prompting news agencies to retract their publications later on.

While the Palace remained silent regarding the edited photo, Kate Middleton took matters into her own hands. She addressed the issue directly on their official social media platform, acknowledging the editing and apologizing for any confusion it caused. However, they opted not to release the original, unedited picture featuring Kate and her children.


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