Devastated Wife Overhears Husband’s Conversation with Family, Leaving Her Heartbroken

On August 6th, 2022, a Reddit user posted a story on the “AITA” subreddit. The user recounted how they overheard their husband speaking with his family during a vacation they had joined, despite not being invited.

“In her post, the OP shared, ‘His family arranged for the vacation last week. Out of curiosity, I asked if I could come. My husband was hesitant, but I told him it’d be a great opportunity to get to know his family better. He agreed to take me, and his family was surprised to see me but still welcomed me.’

“On the third day of the vacation, while preparing the fruit salad, the Redditor overheard her mother-in-law saying, ‘…did she really have nowhere else to spend the weekend?'”

Unaware that her mother-in-law was referring to her, the Redditor then overheard her husband saying, “I KNOW!!!! And I didn’t want to bring her with me but what was I supposed to do?!!! You know how pushy she can get.”

Realizing they were discussing her, the Redditor felt devastated. “This whole time I was there I cleaned, cooked, looked after the kids, and this is how they think of me? An inconvenience to them?” she expressed, shocked by the revelation.

Later, she promptly purchased a ticket back home and boarded the first available plane. “He called and texted, but I only informed him once I was back home. When he returned, he confronted me, accusing me of being disrespectful and juvenile.”

“I explained that I overheard the conversation he had with his mom,” she recounted, “but he insisted that I was wrong for eavesdropping. He argued that his family would warm up to me in their own time and that I should stop pushing to be around them when they don’t feel comfortable with it.”

The Redditor concluded, “Basically, saying it was my fault for coming along in the first place. He said that going home like that made him and his family disappointed and gave them a really bad impression of me.”

[Comments from Redditors will be inserted here.]

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