12 Chilling Moments People Felt Utterly Disturbed

Disgust—one of our most loathed emotions—can strike without warning, and sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can’t avoid witnessing or experiencing things that truly churn our stomachs. The people in these stories encountered some of the most revolting moments imaginable, and their memories continue to haunt them.

1. A Stew Surprise

When my brother’s girlfriend came over to meet our family for the first time, she looked stunning—until an unpleasant odor started creeping through the room. We didn’t mention it, hoping it would pass, but the stench only grew stronger. After she left, I ventured into the guest bathroom and found meters of toilet paper soaked in what appeared to be beef stew. Puzzled, I asked my brother, who turned pale and explained that they had beef stew at a restaurant earlier that day. How it ended up in her purse remains a disturbing mystery.

2. Moldy Cake Horror

I took a bite of what I thought was a delicious blueberry coffee cake, only to realize it was covered in mold. The taste clung to my senses for hours, and no matter how much I tried to forget it, the memory lingers. © Youre_ARealJ***, Reddit

3. The Grossest Wake-Up Call

While on a train, I saw two passengers sitting across from each other—one was asleep. The other sneezed, sending snot and mucus all over the sleeping person. When they woke up, they mistook it for food and licked it off their shirt. I’ll never forget that sight. © bornadecadetoolate, Reddit

4. The Bread Nightmare

One night, I was so tired and hungry that I grabbed a piece of bread, ate it, and went back to sleep. The next morning, I realized the entire bag was full of mold. To this day, I’m surprised I didn’t get sick from it. © HedgehogLuna, Reddit

5. The Burger Boy Incident

While waiting at a restaurant with my mom, we noticed a boy in the corner of the room, staring at us as he ate his burger. He spat out the chewed burger onto his plate, sprinkled salt on it, and proceeded to eat it again—this time with his hands. I was so nauseated that I had to leave. © FordstopS, Reddit

For illustrative purpose only

6. The Fountain Baby

While working at an amusement park in Florida, I saw a couple washing their baby in a public water fountain outside the restrooms. It was meant for drinking water. I immediately called the staff, and ever since, I refuse to drink from public fountains. © So_I_Won’t_Be_Fined, Reddit

7. Easter Bunny Gone Wrong

My mom bought me a truffle Easter bunny. A month later, I finally bit into it, only to be met with a sour taste. I peeled back the outer layer, only to find the entire inside covered in white and yellow mold. I can still taste that awful surprise. © bumblebubee, Reddit

8. Rotisserie Chicken Madness

In a Walmart restroom, I walked in to find a man devouring a rotisserie chicken on the baby changing station. We made eye contact, shared an awkward moment, and I left. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days, and each time, it made me feel queasy. © Unknown author, Reddit

9. The Raspberry Maggots

While watching a movie in a dark room, I snacked on some raspberries. One tasted a little off, so I turned on the light. Horrified, I realized I had been eating maggots. I haven’t been able to eat raspberries since. © brickbaterang, Reddit

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10. Aloe’s Bitter Curse

On a hot day, I wiped the sweat off my face after handling aloe from my grandma’s garden. Somehow, the bitter taste spread throughout my mouth, even though I hadn’t touched my lips. I brushed my teeth, used mouthwash, drank water—nothing worked. Twenty-five years later, that horrible taste still haunts me. © DemostenesWiggin, Reddit

11. Ants in the Raisins

As a kid, I grabbed a handful of raisins for a midnight snack. The next morning, when I went to return the box, I saw it was crawling with ants. I’m still not sure if they were there before or after I ate the raisins, but the thought still makes me cringe. © SFiceti, Reddit

12. Chinese Food Fiasco

At 10 or 11 years old, I saved leftover Chinese noodles by placing them in the oven—something I’d seen my family do with pizza. I forgot about them for three days. When I finally found them, I figured they were still edible. The slimy, foul taste that followed is something I’ll never forget. © zeecapteinaliz, Reddit

Disgust may be unavoidable at times, but these stories go beyond the ordinary and into the realm of the truly revolting. Have you ever had an experience that left you feeling utterly disgusted? Share your story with us in the comments.

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