3 Classic Yoga Poses For a Hamstring Deep-Stretch
|When doing this set of exercises you will stretch the muscles, relax the whole body and increase flexibility. Yoga allows you to calm down and relax the body, especially after a dynamic and hard training. It also gives positive emotions and promotes a faster recovery of forces. Such exercises can be done in the morning, after you get out of bed to wake up muscles and provide yourself with a charge of positive energy for the whole day. Also, these three yoga poses are really great for a hamstring deep-stretch:
#1. Wide-Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana).
Spread your legs about 2.5 times the width of your shoulders. Put your palms on the bottom of your thighs. Tilt the body forward, put your hands on the floor in the line with the feet, stretch your back forward, take a few breaths, exhale the head on the floor in one line with the palms and feet. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds.
Credit: Freepik
#2. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana).
Lean forward, folding in the hip joints, relaxing the back. Allow your back and arms to hang freely under their own weight. When this position becomes comfortable, and the palms are on the floor, put the palms on the floor behind the feet, fingers forward.
Pull your back behind your arms, trying to squeeze the bottom of the palms to the floor. Breathe smoothly and deeply. Hold the position for at least a minute.
Credit: Freepik
#3. Pyramid Pose (Parsvottonasana).
Put your left foot forward, put your right foot closer so that your legs are straightened. The foot of the right leg is pressed to the surface. Lean forward gently to touch the head of the left knee.
Try it now to see the best version of yourself as soon as possible.
Strongly press the heels into the floor, making the slope. You need to finish the practice on exhalation. To do this, you need to straighten and relax your arms, or to take the rider’s pose. Hold the position for at least a minute.
Credit: Freepik
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