My brother kicked out our grandmother after she ran out of money.

Paul and Rachel, a brother and sister, argued about their elderly grandmother, Eleanor. The old lady spent her days painting, and according to Paul, she had become a burden because she wasn’t contributing financially to the family. Rachel was shocked when she heard Paul’s words. “Paul, she’s our grandmother.”

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“She raised us, remember?” she said. But Paul was determined to kick their grandmother out of his house. “That was then. Things are different now,” he said, crossing his arms. “She doesn’t contribute anything anymore. She just sits there painting and wasting time.” Realizing that he no longer planned to take care of their grandmother, Rachel wondered what the future held for the old lady.

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Paul then suggested that Rachel take their grandmother Eleanor into her own home. “She can stay with you,” he said bluntly. “You seem to care so much.” Rachel agreed. There was no way she would let her grandmother be without a roof over her head, even though her brother’s request left a bitter taste in her mouth. Grandmother Eleanor got the guest room in Rachel’s house. It was a nice, cozy place that felt like home.

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She could paint there, with Rachel’s children helping and adoring her, eager to listen to her stories. Over time, with Rachel’s assistance, Eleanor created several beautiful paintings. Rachel’s children posted them on social media. The weeks leading up to Eleanor’s solo exhibition were filled with activity. She worked tirelessly, not only painting but also writing the stories behind each of her artworks.

For illustrative purpose only.

On the evening of the exhibition, the gallery was packed with people, and almost all the paintings were sold. Rachel even received several commissions, securing her financial independence. Realizing that his apologies wouldn’t be enough to rebuild the bridges he had broken, Paul turned around and left. Then, Eleanor turned to her granddaughter and expressed her gratitude for everything she had done for her.

But it was Rachel who was grateful, because her grandmother had taught her to cherish the people who truly matter.

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