Astonishing Equine: Unique Foal’s Stunning Facial Markings Captivate Spectators

When Scott and Jackie Nelson first saw Coconut the horse, they couldn’t believe she was a native of Melbourne, Florida.

Over three million people have marveled at her unique beauty, which prompted the Nelsons to record her at just two days old to share her stunning appearance with the world.

By the time she was two, the couple, who operate Down Under Colour ranch and specialize in breeding horses, captured her first outdoor adventure on camera.

According to a YouTube description, Coconut is also known as a War Horse and has incredibly rare markings. In Native American culture, such a horse was revered and often ridden by the chief or medicine man, serving as a traditional and spiritual leader.

To qualify as a War Horse, they must have one blue eye with a liner surrounding it and a shield on their chest.

In Indian mythology, this blue eye is referred to as a Sky Eye. If the Chief or Medicine Man perished in combat, this eye would convey their spirits to their gods. This characteristic is part of what makes Coconut so unique. Watch Coconut in the video below.

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