Diane Keaton Admits She Hasn’t Been Dating For 35 Years

One of Hollywood’s most accomplished leading ladies, the LA-born Diane Keaton, 78, is an icon with a career that spans almost six decades.

Single people often experience periods where they don’t date, but Diane Keaton is taking this concept to an extreme. She has revealed that she hasn’t been on a date in 35 years.

During a recent interview with InStyle magazine, the actress shared insights into her dating life. She mentioned that despite having several male friends, she seldom gets asked out by men.

Diane Keaton has often discussed her personal life and her status as a lifelong single woman. The 78-year-old previously shared with People magazine that being single isn’t something that saddens her.

“I don’t think it would have been a good idea for me to have married, and I’m really glad I didn’t,” Keaton explained.

Having lived in the limelight for decades, Keaton has experienced her share of high-profile relationships, having dated notable figures like Al Pacino, Warren Beatty, and Woody Allen. However, those days are now in her past.

Now 78, Keaton is not exploring dating websites, but she admits to spending considerable time on her Instagram page. So, who knows? Maybe a chance encounter online could spark something new.

Though actor, author, director and singer is one of Hollywood’s most respected actors, she is not immune to unsolicited judgements from the public.

In 2014, following her appearance at the Golden Globes, Diane Keaton was unfairly criticized by an online user who tweeted, “Wow. Diane Keaton got fat.”

More recently, another detractor made an unprovoked comment, stating, “Well Diane Keaton isn’t nice, she’s ugly inside and out!”

It’s important to recognize that the stunning star, known for her slim physique, is currently in recovery from a problematic relationship with food.

Keaton has one daughter, Dexter Keaton White, 27, and a son, Duke Keaton, 23, both whom she adopted when she in her 50s.

Actor, singer, author, director, mother and designer are all things that the lovely Diane Keaton has included in her ever-growing portfolio of talents.

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