This Girl Slept in the Underground Yet Became a Famous Actress Who, at 90, Is Happy with Her Younger Husband

This celebrity was born in London, England, on May 23, 1933, the eldest child of Elsa, a former nightclub hostess, and Joseph, a talent agent. Growing up during a time of war, she was too young to fully understand the events that led to it. The conflict disrupted her education, but despite the challenges, she rose to become one of the most iconic stars of her time.

Elsa, a British native, and her South African husband, Joseph, welcomed two more children: Jackie in 1937 and Bill in 1946. The family lived through the tumultuous years of World War II.

Alongside fellow Londoners, they took refuge in Tube stations, seeking safety from the relentless German bombings that rained down on the city. In May 2020, she reflected on those harrowing days.

She shared that she was quite young when the war started, and her father had to stay behind in London to entertain those who remained in the city. She added: “I was constantly being evacuated… […] We were moved all over the place.”

The constant moving from place to place disrupted her education, as her family couldn’t settle in one location for long. This showbiz star acknowledged it was a difficult time, but she and her siblings were fortunate to have their mother with them, which brought some comfort.

She recalled nights spent in the Underground, saying, “We went to the one at Marble Arch the most. It was a lively atmosphere—people had accordions, and they would sing.”

Who is this girl who once slept in the Underground?

It’s none other than English actress Joan Collins, who became a household name after appearing in the 1981 drama series, “Dynasty,” alongside Linda Evans.

In an October 2013 interview, Joan Collins shared that it was her grandmother who encouraged her to pursue acting, teaching her how to sing, tap dance, and even do the splits. However, her father was less supportive, warning her that by the age of 23, she would be irrelevant in the industry. Despite his doubts, she far exceeded everyone’s expectations, becoming a timeless star.

While her career flourished over the years, Joan Collins’ love life was less fortunate. She was once engaged to actor Warren Beatty when he was 23, and at 26, she became pregnant with his child. However, Beatty urged her to terminate the pregnancy, fearing it would harm both their careers. Though she initially had doubts, Collins later admitted that, in hindsight, he may have been right.

Although she and Beatty never married, Joan Collins went on to have four marriages. She has been happily married to her fifth husband, actor Percy Gibson, since February 2002.

“Percy is the most honorable man I’ve ever met,” Collins gushed a month after the couple exchanged wedding vows. Although she had no intention of marrying again, he changed her mind.

The couple first met in 2000 in New York City, where Joan Collins was starring in a play that Percy Gibson was producing. Their passionate relationship began when she was in her 60s and he in his 30s, but the significant age gap never posed an issue for them.

Now, at 90 years old, Collins is still happily married to Gibson, who is 58. Despite being 32 years younger than his Golden Globe-winning wife, the Peru-born producer remains devoted to their lasting relationship.

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