My Son Chose to Support His Mother-in-Law Over Me — Here’s What I Di

It’s incredibly painful for a mother to feel estranged from her child, especially when financial support becomes a source of tension. Ruth finds herself in a difficult situation where her son has redirected his financial assistance to his mother-in-law. She feels she deserves her son’s support more and reached out for guidance. Here’s Ruth’s story:

Ruth’s Story:

I’m a widow and unable to work anymore. Each month, my son has been giving me money from his earnings to help with my rent. Yesterday, my daughter-in-law called to say that he wouldn’t be able to help anymore. Devastated, I asked why, and she responded:

“My mom has been in poor health lately, and we need that money to send her to a health spa and cover her physiotherapy sessions. It’s time for my mom to benefit from us too. She needs this money more than you do now. After all, my husband’s money is also my money.”

Hearing those words, I was furious. My daughter-in-law is a stay-at-home mom who raises my grandkids and has never worked. This money is my son’s, and I feel more entitled to it than her mother. I don’t care if her mom needs to improve her health. What should I do?

Sincerely, Ruth

Thank you for sharing your story, Ruth! Here’s some advice that may help:

1. Open Communication

Initiate a calm and respectful conversation with your son and daughter-in-law. Express your feelings of shock and disappointment about the financial support being redirected. Share how important this support is for your livelihood and well-being. Emphasize the need for clear communication and finding a solution that considers everyone’s needs.

2. Seek Mediation

Consider involving a neutral third party, such as a counselor or mediator, to facilitate a constructive dialogue. A mediator can help manage the emotions involved and guide the discussion toward a fair resolution. This approach can prevent misunderstandings and help everyone understand each other’s perspectives, promoting family harmony.

3. Explore Alternative Support

Look into other sources of financial assistance that may be available to you, such as government benefits, community programs, or support groups for widows. By diversifying your sources of support, you can reduce dependence on your son’s earnings and maintain more control over your financial situation.

4. Legal Consultation

If the situation remains unresolved and you feel your rights are being ignored, seek advice from a legal professional who specializes in family law or elder rights. They can provide guidance on your legal rights concerning financial support from your son and explore potential avenues for recourse or negotiation. Taking proactive steps to protect your interests can provide peace of mind and ensure your needs are met.

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