I Playfully Wrote a Message on My Husband’s Chest Before His Office Christmas Party & Was Surprised to Get a Response

A woman playfully writes a message on her husband’s chest before sending him off to his office Christmas party. But when he stumbles home, clearly intoxicated, she discovers an unexpected response. Who wrote it, and what does it mean?

I’m Micaela. Working remotely means I miss out on the office Christmas parties where coworkers, fueled by alcohol, finally let loose and say what they really think. Honestly, I don’t mind. But my husband, Travis, wasn’t so lucky, so I sent him off with a playful note written on his chest.

Don’t judge me—Travis is a bit of a lightweight when it comes to drinking.

We’ve been married for five years, so trusting Travis is second nature. The note started as a joke; I had a marker in my hand as he was getting dressed, and the idea just popped into my head.

“This is my husband—touch him, and you’ll pay. – M” I wrote with a smirk.

“Micaela,” he laughed as he headed out the door. “I’m just going for a few drinks. I’ll be home early.”

After he left, I decided to put up the Christmas tree and decorate the living room, something we hadn’t had time to do together. But just as I was hanging the stockings, Travis stumbled in.

One look at him, and I knew he’d had more than a few drinks. I helped him to the bedroom, ready to undress him and tuck him in. But as I peeled off his shirt, I noticed something that made me pause—a reply to my smudged message.

“Keep the change,” it said.

Who wrote it? And what exactly did it mean?

For illustrative purpose only. (Unsplash)

I laughed it off, not giving it much thought at first. But as I stayed up late, watching old Christmas movies, that mysterious message kept flashing in my mind.

The next morning, when Travis finally woke up, I casually asked him about the party.

He explained that they had started at the office, moved on to a bar for some karaoke, and ended the night at a club. Then, I brought up the message, hoping for some clarity.

Travis looked puzzled. “One of the guys probably wrote it,” he said, scratching his head. “There was a lot of drinking, and you know how things get when everyone’s having a good time.”

I couldn’t help but laugh again, this time a little more relaxed. It was just another one of those harmless, drunken moments—a funny memory to add to our collection.

However, that nagging feeling wouldn’t go away. I finally decided to confide in my mom, something I rarely did when it came to my marriage. I explained how uneasy I felt, even though distrust had never been an issue in our five years together.

Mom, always the practical one, suggested something that surprised me: bug Travis’s car with a GPS tracker. I’d never been one to snoop, and the idea made me uncomfortable. But I was desperate to silence that persistent doubt. Reluctantly, I agreed, knowing full well that if Travis ever found out, he’d be devastated.

For the next week, I kept an eye on his movements, watching his daily commutes to and from work on my laptop. Everything seemed normal—until one evening, he called to say he’d be staying late to finish up some work before the holiday break. I believed him; after all, I had my own deadlines to meet.

But as we spoke, I couldn’t resist checking the app. To my surprise, his car wasn’t at the office. It was on the move, heading in the opposite direction of home. Instead of returning to our suburban neighborhood, his car was headed toward an area known for its mansions and luxury cars.

My heart raced as I grabbed my keys and drove off, following the GPS signal on my phone. When I arrived, I parked across the street from a stunning house, my pulse pounding in my ears. There, in the driveway, was Travis’s car.

What was he doing here?

Sitting in the car, I texted my mother, updating her on my unexpected Friday night stakeout. I told her where I was and how long I had been waiting, trying to keep my nerves in check. Time seemed to crawl, and after about two hours, the front door of the house finally opened. I watched as Travis stepped out, his face lit up with a smile I hadn’t seen in a while.

My heart pounded as I sat up a little straighter, trying to get a better view. He looked so happy, almost as if he didn’t have a care in the world. But what was he doing in that house? And why was he so cheerful when he was supposed to be working late? I strained to see everything, my mind racing with possibilities.

For illustrative purpose only. (Pixabay)

I was shocked when a woman followed closely behind him, reaching for his arm as he turned to face her. My heart sank as I watched her embrace him and kiss him on the lips. The knots in my stomach finally unraveled as the root of my unease stared me in the face.

The world seemed to shatter around me as I grappled with the reality of what was unfolding. In a surge of impulsive adrenaline, I grabbed my phone and snapped a few photos, capturing the undeniable evidence of the moment my marriage ended.

As I swiped through the images on my phone, it became clear that sitting in the car wouldn’t help me. I needed answers.

I got out of the car and walked up to the house. Travis saw me first, and his expression froze in shock. He just stood there, watching me approach.

“So, you’re the woman who left a message on my husband?” I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and heartbreak.

But her reply was nothing like I expected. Instead of denying it or cowering, she looked me in the eye and said, “You deserve better.”

She glanced at Travis, adding, “Husbands like this deserve to be treated like spare change.”

Travis, red-faced with anger and embarrassment, exclaimed, “How dare you?” But his words didn’t matter. The woman had already closed the door behind her. I turned away and walked back to my car, ignoring Travis’s frantic attempts to explain.

When I got back to the car, I found a text from my mom, along with the number for a divorce lawyer. It was the heartbreaking Christmas present I never wanted but knew I needed. Instead of the holiday celebration I had imagined, I was now facing a new beginning—a New Year filled with rebuilding, rediscovery, and finally pursuing happiness on my terms.

Life is unpredictable, especially five years into a marriage. But if it were you, what would you have done?


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