Greed’s Price: How Justice Found Me After My Father’s Fortune

Sarah, 37, wrote us a poignant letter, beginning with a tale that tugged at the heartstrings. She shared that her father had recently passed away, leaving her engulfed in profound sadness. Their bond was extraordinary, especially since he had single-handedly raised Sarah after her mother’s tragic death during her childhood.

Sarah described her father as an exceptionally talented lawyer, renowned in both legal circles and beyond. His courtroom prowess was legendary, earning him widespread acclaim and affection. Colleagues often called him “a wizard” or “a genius,” marveling at his ability to secure victories in cases deemed impossible by even the most seasoned professionals. Many admired him as a mentor, drawing significant lessons from his expertise and finesse.

Given his remarkable talent, it was no surprise that Sarah’s father amassed considerable wealth. With a net worth approaching a billion dollars, he owned multiple prestigious law firms, extensive property holdings, and a luxurious collection of cars.

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Sarah’s father instilled in her a unique perspective on money and luxury. As a single parent, he was committed to imparting his core principles to his daughter. One crucial lesson was his attitude towards finances. Sarah recalled how he had taught her the value of modesty and frugality. Despite their wealth, she grew up understanding the importance of not flaunting their privileged status.

Sarah confessed, “I went to a regular school and eventually enrolled in law school, all without my father’s intervention. He wouldn’t even help me prepare for my entrance examinations, insisting that I follow in his footsteps and work my way up from the bottom without skipping any steps.”

Her father was overjoyed with her accomplishments after she graduated with honors and was hired by a small law firm. Despite having the resources to offer her a position at one of his larger firms, he flatly declined, emphasizing the necessity of her establishing her own path to success.

Sarah added, “Even though my father was a very well-known figure, I never appeared in the media with him. His flawless reputation and talent were his alone, and I never disagreed. I understand his rationale. He wanted to ensure that after he was gone, my future depended on me, not his legacy or fortune.”

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Despite reservations about her partner, Sarah’s father chose not to interfere in their relationship. When Sarah began dating Bradd, a fellow university student, her father was skeptical. During their first meeting, he bombarded Bradd with questions, perceiving a mismatch in what he dubbed his “personal check.”

Sarah recalls, “My father always told me that Bradd was a lazy, entitled man who was drawn to my father’s reputation and fortune from the beginning. But I chalked it up to my father’s protective personality, which I appreciated, and didn’t give much thought to his fears regarding Bradd.”

Bradd, for his part, never broached any topics related to money when conversing with Sarah, further convincing her of his pure intentions. They tied the knot a year before her father’s passing, and their marriage appeared blissful both personally and professionally, as they both pursued their careers with zeal and enjoyment.

However, after Sarah’s father passed away, unexpected events unfolded, taking everyone by surprise.

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Sarah became overwhelmed with enormous sorrow after her father’s loss. Nonetheless, she was surprised by Bradd’s demeanor during such hard circumstances. She recalled, “Instead of offering comfort and support during my overwhelming sorrow, Bradd immediately broached the subject of my inheritance, asking about the extent of my expected wealth after my father’s demise.”

This question shocked her, bringing back thoughts of her father’s concerns about Bradd’s true motives and whether he was only interested in her for her father’s money.

Sarah disclosed, “When he asked about my inheritance, my expression must have betrayed my surprise. I responded, ‘What inheritance? I won’t receive a dime from my dad. I’m not even mentioned in his will.’”

Bradd brushed it off as a joke or a result of her distress after the funeral, assuming she was talking nonsensically. Sarah countered, “There’s no inheritance for me because I’m not my dad’s biological daughter. I was adopted a year before my mom’s death, and although my dad raised me as his own, he never intended to include me in his will. I’ve known this my entire life.”

Bradd vanished as soon as he heard the “bad news” Sarah had for him.

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In Sarah’s ongoing saga, she reveals that less than a month after discovering she did not inherit from her father, Bradd filed for divorce. Sarah then arranged a meeting with Bradd, facilitated by a family acquaintance who had previously worked with her father’s business.

During the dinner, Sarah’s father’s associate revealed the contents of her father’s will to Bradd. It contained a provision stating that if Bradd remained married to Sarah for five years following her father’s death, he would receive half of the inheritance, with Sarah inheriting the other half. However, in the event of a divorce, Sarah was named the sole beneficiary of her father’s entire fortune and assets.

In her closing remarks, Sarah expressed her satisfaction, stating, “It was immensely gratifying to witness my ex’s shocked reaction. His face turned pale, then red, then pale again. He was left speechless, like a fish gasping for air out of water. I felt that my father’s plan had been fully realized, and he could finally rest in peace, knowing that I was thriving without that ‘lazy, spoiled kid’ in my life.”

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