Finding Peace: A Song to Help You Heal from the Loss of a Loved One

The video of Guy Penrod and Sarah Darling performing their song “What I Know About Heaven” begins with calm piano music. The vocals, lyrics, and music all convey a sense of serenity and reassurance.

Guy Penrod’s powerful voice is the first to be heard as the rest of the band joins in. When Sarah Darling adds her exquisite harmonies, the effect is genuinely angelic.

The song assures us that our loved ones are safe in Heaven, where there are streets paved with gold for each broken heart and wounded soul.

The grief of losing a family member or friend can be overwhelming. You miss their presence in your life and feel like there’s no way to fill the emptiness. A song like this can help you heal from your grief. It’s a soothing and calming tune.

There is no reason to be ashamed of your feelings. Keep a box of tissues nearby, but the tears won’t be solely for sadness. This is a joyful song, and the singers are reassuring you about the wonderful place where your loved one now resides.

The video shows a live concert performance, and you can feel the deep connection between the artists and the audience. We wish we could pray for our loved ones again, but they are in a place of eternal love and life. As the lyrics ask, “Why would I want to call one away from that?”

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