9 Items You Should Never Connect To A Power Strip

Many everyday household items often go unnoticed in our daily routines, but some demand careful consideration due to their potential hazards. Among these, power strips stand out as a critical concern.

Despite their convenience, these devices pose various risks. Overloading them can lead to failures and, in extreme cases, result in fires. Therefore, it’s crucial to exercise caution when dealing with power strips.

efore indiscriminately connecting devices to a power strip, it’s crucial to assess its power capacity, usually specified on the power cable. Certain appliances, due to their power demands, should never find their way into a power strip to avert potential hazards.

1.Oven: Despite intermittent use, ovens are power-intensive and should be directly plugged into a dedicated wall outlet on a separate circuit, avoiding power strips entirely.

2. Refrigerator: Even energy-efficient refrigerators consume substantial power, making them unsuitable for power strips. Opt for a dedicated outlet with its own circuit breaker for the refrigerator.

3. Washing Machine: Surprisingly power-hungry, washing machines should have their own dedicated receptacle. Directly plugging into an outlet, preferably on a distinct circuit, ensures safe usage without sharing with other appliances.

4. Heating Devices: Auxiliary heating sources, while providing comfort, must be cautiously handled. They should be plugged into their dedicated receptacles to prevent circuit overloads. Never connect heating devices to power strips to mitigate potential risks.

5. Microwave: Despite its infrequent use, microwaves are energy-intensive appliances. It’s a best practice to have them plugged into their dedicated receptacles to ensure proper power supply and avoid potential hazards.

6. Coffee Maker: Often underestimated in power consumption, coffee makers demand a significant amount of energy. Plugging them into power strips or extension cords is ill-advised. To ensure safety and efficiency, dedicate a specific outlet for your coffee maker.

7. Toaster: While toasting, a toaster can draw a substantial amount of energy. Even for seemingly simple tasks like browning bread or bagels, it’s safer to plug the toaster directly into a receptacle rather than relying on a power strip.

8. Daisy-Chaining Power Strips: Stacking or connecting one power strip into another is a hazardous electrical practice. Despite the convenience of consolidating multiple devices in a single area, this setup significantly increases the risk of fires. It’s crucial to avoid this practice to maintain electrical safety.

9. Electronics (Computer, TV, Router): Electronic devices, including computers, TVs, and routers, are susceptible to power surges. While these devices may not individually consume excessive power, plugging them into a power strip is not recommended. To safeguard against potential damage, it’s better to connect electronics directly to outlets and consider surge protectors for added security.

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