Concerns Mount as Princess Kate Middleton Faces Extended Hospital Stay Following Major Surgery

In a surprising announcement from the Royal Family, it has been revealed that Princess Catherine Middleton underwent abdominal surgery on January 16.

A statement from Kensington Palace provided an update on the Princess’s condition, stating that the surgery was successful. However, she is expected to remain in the hospital for a duration of ten to fourteen days, with a further recovery period at home.

The statement also conveyed that, based on current medical advice, Princess Catherine is unlikely to resume public duties until after Easter. The Princess of Wales expressed her apologies in the statement, extending her regrets for having to postpone upcoming engagements. She looks forward to reinstating as many engagements as possible as soon as her recovery allows.

This remains a developing story, and Mamas Uncut will provide updates as new information becomes available. The public’s thoughts and prayers are with Princess Catherine Middleton during this time.

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