My mother-in-law showed up right as I had finally laid down with our 8-month-old.

This mom found herself in a tough situation, having to ask her mother-in-law to leave after she tried waking her up. While some people manage to get along with their in-laws, this unfortunate situation made it impossible for her. She shared what happened:

“My husband has this habit of never telling me when he’s expecting guests, and honestly, I’m tired of it. We have an 8-month-old, and there have been at least 15 times when he’s invited his mom or sister over without giving me a heads-up. They both live three hours away.

On Saturday, my mother-in-law showed up just as I’d laid down with our daughter for a nap. I’d fallen asleep maybe 20 minutes before my husband and his mom walked into the bedroom. I woke up to my husband adjusting my shirt and saying, ‘Hey, Mum’s here to see us.’ I told him, ‘I just got the baby down for a nap, so we’re not available.’

He whispered, ‘Babe, she just drove three hours to see us. You can nap after she leaves.’ I’ve had this same conversation with him about guests showing up unannounced, and I was so frustrated that I told him to get out of the room.

Then my mother-in-law said, ‘Come on, up you go, I didn’t travel down here for nothing,’ and she started pulling the blanket off me! That’s when I snapped. I told her, ‘Yes, you did travel down here for nothing because my daughter and I are not getting up for an unannounced guest. Get out, now.’ My husband, looking embarrassed, told his mom, ‘Let’s go,’ and pulled her out as she muttered about respect. I heard the door slam, and I went back to sleep.

An hour and a half later, I woke up, and my husband was sitting at the kitchen island, clearly pissed. As soon as he saw me, he unleashed, saying he couldn’t believe I embarrassed him like that, and that it wouldn’t have killed me to get up for 30 minutes so his mom could see us. I told him once again that if he doesn’t inform me of guests ahead of time, I’m not open to them. I’m done feeling left in the dark in my own home. He swears up and down that he told me, but I know for a fact he didn’t. He’s using the ‘She traveled for 3 hours for nothing’ excuse, but honestly, I don’t care. I was exhausted and needed sleep.”

Most people sided with the mom. After all, her husband had three hours to let her know his mother was coming, but instead, he brought her into their bedroom to wake her. That crossed a line and showed a complete disregard for her personal space and their baby’s routine. No one should be expected to entertain unannounced visitors, especially while juggling the demands of a newborn.

It’s not just about communication; it’s about respect. The fact that her husband feels it’s acceptable to use their home and baby as an open-invitation venue without consulting her is dismissive of her role as a partner and a parent. When you have a baby, sleep becomes sacred, and anyone who disrupts it without a good reason is crossing a serious boundary.

Ultimately, she didn’t kick her mother-in-law out of the house; she just chose to stay in bed. Her mother-in-law could have spent time with her son or waited until she woke up. Instead, she chose to leave.

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