When Parents Aren’t Superheroes, But They’re Pretty Close

Our parents may not have comic book superpowers, but their love, kindness, and care often make them real-life heroes in ways we don’t always see. Today, I want to share a story about my dad and how, even in his quiet way, he grew to love my husband—despite never saying it outright.

The Story:

From the start, my dad didn’t think my husband was the right person for me. On my wedding day, he kept asking, “Are you sure this is what you want? Are you sure he’s the one?” I reassured him, saying, “One day, you’ll see what I see in him.”

Fast forward to last week. My dad had a stroke. When I called my husband at work to tell him the news, he was in the middle of preparing for a major meeting. Without a second thought, he canceled it and rushed to be with me and my family, standing by my side every step of the way.

Later that night, I went to my parents’ house to grab a few things for my dad while he was in the hospital. As I was searching through drawers, I came across something that stopped me in my tracks: tucked away in one of them were several photos—photos of my husband and our kids. My dad only ever kept photos of people who held a special place in his heart.

In that moment, I realized that, over time, my dad had come to accept and even love my husband. He didn’t say it out loud or express it openly, but those photos spoke volumes. His initial doubts had softened, and though he may not have been vocal about it, he saw the good in the man I married.

It was a quiet, hidden love—but a love that had grown and taken root just the same.

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